Korean SOFA Page 9

Korean SOFA Page 9

of the granted area. The survey results and the new use of the granted area will be properly recorded on the acquisition documents. 

(b) In a case in which the granted area and facility is programmed for use, such as for major military construction or unit realignment, by the United States, the Facilities 
and Areas Subcommittee will conduct a survey of the granted area. The programmed use will be properly recorded on the acquisition documents with the expected program 
start date, not to exceed three years. If the programmed use is expected to exceed three years due to internal legislative constraints, the Joint Committee shall be notified and 
determine if an extension of the program start date is warranted. 
(c) In a case in which the Facilities and Areas Subcommittee determines that there is no existing use or programmed use for an area or facility, the Facilities and Area 

Subcommittee will report the results of its review to the Joint Committee with a recommendation that the area be returned. The Joint Committee shall review the 
recommendation and direct the return of the area or facility. The United States will return the area or facility under terms and conditions approved by the Joint Committee. 

3. In order to assist an accurate annual review of granted facilities and areas as envisaged in paragraph 1 of this Understanding, the Joint Committee will develop procedures to jointly 
survey existing facilities and areas. Joint survey procedures should result in a determination of the boundaries and size (area) of granted area( s), the numbers of buildings and structures on 
granted areas, the size and area of those structures and buildings, and verification of the general category of use of each granted facility and area. The results of joint surveys will be used to 
ensure that properly executed acquisition documents exist and are properly filed with the real estate representatives and offices of record of both Parties, and to determine whether there is a 
need to return the facility or area. 
4. If a case is reported to the Joint Committee that use of a granted area or facility is impaired due to constraints, such as encroachment, the Facilities and Areas Subcommittee shall 

report the constraint to the Joint Committee and immediately engage in consultations with a view toward removing the constraint. The Republic of Korea will promptly initiate steps to 
eliminate the constraint including taking administrative measures acceptable to both sides. The United States armed forces will also take necessary measures to properly manage and prevent 
encroachment to the extent possible of granted areas and facilities of which the United States has full rights of use, and the Republic of Korea will provide administrative support upon 
request of the United States armed forces.

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