Korean SOFA Page 29

Korean SOFA Page 29

Deprivation of liberty shall not be authorized with respect to an act or omission done in the performance of official duty. A certificate by the military authorities of the United States stating 
that the act or omission concerned was done in the performance of official duty shall be binding on the Republic of Korea court. In other cases the Republic of Korea authorities shall give due 
consideration to representations of the military authorities of the United States that compelling interests contravene such deprivation of liberty. 

(c) A deprivation of liberty pursuant to sub-paragraph (b) of this paragraph may take place only after the military authorities of the United States have arranged, if they find it 
necessary, for the replacement of the individual concerned. The military authorities of the United States shall take all necessary and reasonably acceptable measures to this end without 
delay, and render all assistance within their power to the Republic of Korea authorities responsible for enforcing an order or decision in accordance with this paragraph. 

(d) A payment due to a member of the United States armed forces, the civilian component or an employee of the U. S. Government shall be subject to attachment, garnishment 
or other form of execution ordered by a Republic of Korea court in authority only to the extent permitted by United States law. Assistance under paragraph (a) of this Article shall also include 
providing information on possible execution against pay already disbursed. 
(e) Where the enforcement of a judgment, decision, order and settlement in non-criminal proceedings of the Republic of Korea court in authority is to take place within a installation of a 

force, such enforcement shall be effected by a Korean enforcement officer in the presence of a representative of the military authorities of the United States.

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