Korean SOFA Page 17

Korean SOFA Page 17

Subcommittee. If the Joint Committee or its Criminal Jurisdiction Subcommittee cannot resolve any remaining disagreement within such time as it deems reasonable, the matter may be 
referred for resolution through diplomatic channels. To ensure that the accused is not deprived of the right to a prompt and speedy trial as a result of protracted reconsideration of the duty 
certificate, if mutual agreement is not reached within thirty (30) days after an official duty certificate is first filed, the military authorities of the United States may proceed to trial by 
court-martial, impose nonjudicial punishment, or make other appropriate disposition of the charges despite any continuing discussions. 

Paragraph 3( b) of the Agreed Minute Re Paragraph 3( b) 
The recitation therein of the right of representatives of the Republic of Korea to attend trials of members of the armed forces, civilian component, or their dependents when held outside the 

Republic of Korea shall not be construed to deprive such representatives of the opportunity to attend such trials when held within the Republic of Korea. 

Paragraph 3( c) 
1. If a State desires to ask the other State for a waiver of its primary right to exercise jurisdiction, it shall present a written request as soon as practicable but not later than twenty-one 

(21) days after it is notified or otherwise apprised of the commission of an alleged offense. 
2. Upon receipt of the written request, the State having the primary jurisdiction shall make a decision on the request and inform the other State of such decision within twenty-eight (28) 

3. When there are special reasons, the State having the primary jurisdiction may, identifying the case and prior to the expiration of the original twenty-eight (28) day period, 

request an extension for a specific period of days normally not exceeding an additional fourteen (14) days. 

4. When the State having the primary jurisdiction makes a decision not to exercise jurisdiction or when it does not inform the other State of its decision within the prescribed 
period, with any extension, the requesting State may exercise its concurrent jurisdiction. 
Paragraph 5( c) 
1. The authorities of the Republic of Korea can question members of the United States armed forces or civilian component or dependents in the presence of a duly appointed United

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