Korean SOFA Page 10

Korean SOFA Page 10

Paragraph 1 

Consistent with the right of the United States to take "all the measures necessary for their establishment, operation, safeguarding and control" within granted facilities and areas, the 

United States shall notify and consult with the Government of the Republic of Korea on a timely basis about planned (1) modification or demolition (removal) of indigenous buildings 
and (2) new construction or alteration as defined by the Joint Committee that may affect the ability of local Korean providers or communities to provide relevant utilities and services, or 
may affect health and public safety in local communities. The United States shall notify and consult, which may include providing an initial planning document, with the Government of 
the Republic of Korea in sufficient time to allow a coordinated review of planned construction with local governments. The Joint Committee will develop the format of the "initial planning 
document." The Government of the Republic of Korea shall consult with the United States armed forces on the results of any local coordination. The United States will give due 
consideration to the views expressed by the Republic of Korea. This procedure does not preclude the United States armed forces from making direct coordination with a local 
government for planning purposes. 

Paragraph 5 

1. Detailed procedures relating to examination by Republic of Korea customs inspectors of mail delivered through United States military post office channels will be specified in a 

separate implementing agreement. 
2. Republic of Korea customs authorities may be present at inspections by United States authorities, of household goods or hold baggage shipments upon delivery to individual 

members of the armed forces or the civilian component or their dependents, at their quarters and in their presence. Such customs authorities of the Republic of Korea may observe any such 
inspections scheduled to be performed by United States authorities. Unscheduled inspections will be arranged by United States authorities upon adequate advance notice by Republic of 
Korea customs authorities of serious suspicion that contraband or items in unreasonable quantities may be contained in specific shipments. Customs authorities of the Republic of 
Korea shall be accorded the opportunity to observe such unscheduled inspections at the

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